Verse By Verse Radio

Thank you for your support.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to write "Thank you" to those of you who have sacrificed for the furtherance of the gospel in Latvia. You are very generous and we are very grateful for your support!
Your support is helping us to:
1. Dwell among the people, as light and salt to the lost and dying world - We were able to get official permission to live in Latvia and continue serving the Lord for a 5th year.
2. Preach the gospel to as many people as possible - Last Friday we gave out more than 1000 tracts, preached to about 100 people, at least 2 repented and believed. Praise the Lord!
3. Make disciples of believers - The church that meets in our home and the home group in Jelgava are growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ our Lord and Savior.
4. Teach faithful men who will be able to teach others also - Andris, Martin and Davis are potential leaders now participating in Bible studies, worship and evangelism.
5. Do all of these things for the glory of God. As you send, we preach, they hear, believe, call upon the Lord, Jesus saves, disciples learn, leaders arise and more laborers are sent. We want to make disciples who will make disciples.

Much of what you do for Christ goes unnoticed by men, but our Father in heaven sees what is done in secret and will reward you openly. Because of you and your faithfulness to sacrificially give of your hard earned money, we are in Riga, Latvia today to fulfill the mission the Lord has committed to us. So we feel a great responsibility, both to God and to you, to work hard for the cause of Christ. We do this willingly and by the grace of God as He builds His church in Latvia. We are very thankful that you are participating in the sowing of the seed of God's word, that a healthy Bible believing church may be planted. He will reward your faithfulness!

So we just wanted you to know that we and the church here are very grateful for your donations and for your prayers on our behalf. If you would like more info on how to support us, you can go to our "GIVING" blog or go to our "PRAYER" blog and you'll see what our specific needs are currently, check out our teachings on our home page. We look forward to sharing more good news as we continue serving the Lord here.

Thank you!
Brenten and Lena Powers

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