Verse By Verse Radio

September Schedule

"Let us press on to know the LORD" - Hosea 6:3a

September is the month students begin a new season in school, it's also a great time to start a new study of the Bible as a church. Do you hunger to know the truth? God's word is truth. Jesus is the truth. If you continue in His teaching you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! (John 8:32) Join us as we learn the most important truths and the most reliable truths of God that will change your life!
  • Sunday 4th 11:00 - Service in Riga - "In the beginning" (Genesis 1:1a) General revelation.
  • Thursday 8th 19:00 - In-depth Bible study in Jelgava - Revelation: How can we know God?
  • Sunday 10th 11:00 Service in Riga - "...God..." (Genesis 1:1b, John 1:1) Special revelation.
  • Sunday 18th 11:00 Service in Riga "created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1c)
  • Thursday 22nd 18:30  - In-depth Bible study in Jelgava - Evidence for the Bible's reliability.
  • Sunday 25th - Family Bible study in Riga - MAN "in the image of God" (Genesis 1:27)
  • Friday 30th 18:00 - Truth Project in Riga (Part 1: What is truth? John 18:37)
  • Thursday October 6 at 18:30 - In-depth Bible study in Jelgava - What is God? (Mat 28:20).
Currently our Riga meetings are in pastor Brenten's home near Turiba Biznesa Skola.
Our meeting place in Jelgava (every other Thursday) is at Andris and Iveta's apartment. 
If you need directions, please comment below or call pastor Brenten Powers at 2780 3818. 
If you are interested in hosting a Bible study, please contact us. Thank you!

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